Plartforma, business for media and performing arts
Plartforma, a media and performing arts business, started its work on October 5, 2018. The business activities, in addition to performance and performative activities, are also manifested through audio-visual, media, and textual creativity. Plartforma offers a wide range of products and services for the very concrete, yet creative industry; from creative ideas and communication solutions (PR, media, media workshops, hosting, moderation, symbolic registrar, lectures) as well as proposals, activities, and realizations that can enhance the cultural offer and performance scene, make a certain brand attractive, enrich a festival or tourist offer.
Plartforma produces theater performances, performances, organizes events, festivals and shows. It brings to the stage projects of cultural and broader social significance and interest, taking into account sustainable development, as well as active involvement and participation of the audience.
Plartforma, obrt za medije i izvedbene umjetnosti
Slavka Kolara 13d, Velika Gorica
ID number: 50733676792
IBAN (PBZ): HR75 2340 0091 1605 3568 8